
  • Siti Mu’awanah Universitas Wahidiyah Author
  • Reni Sulistina Universitas Wahidiyah Author
  • Suminah Universitas Wahidiyah Author


Fine Motoric Development, Through Collage


It is known that the results of children's fine motoric physical abilities are still lacking, especially children in group B. Analyzing the cause of the problem is because the teachers do not appropriately applied learning media in activities. In addition, the activities carried out by the teacher are not attractive enough for children and children tend to be forced to do exercises from worksheets. Which finally the child is not excited and lazy to do activities. Departing from these problems the researchers made an improvement in order to improve fine motoric skills by using collage activities. This study aims to describe the application of collage activity models to improve fine motor children of group B at Wahidiyah Kindergarten Plus Sendang Tulungagung, describing children's learning activities in fine motoric lessons Group B children in Wahidiyah Kindergarten Plus Sendang Tulungagung after applying the collage activity model and describing the learning outcomes of children in fine motoric lessons Group B children in Wahidiyah Kindergarten Plus Sendang Tulungagung after applying a collage activity model. The approach carried out in this study was CAR using 2 cycles with the assignment method. Data collection techniques used was research instruments that couln be used to obtain information and data needed including observation, documentation, interviews and field notes. Based on data analysis, it could be concluded that the collage activity model can improve children's fine motoric development, also increase learning activities and children's learning outcomes in fine motoric lessons.


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How to Cite

UPAYA PENINGKATAN PERKEMBANGAN MOTORIK HALUS MELALUI KEGIATAN KOLASE. (2020). JURPARIA, 1(1), 25-34. https://jurnal.uniwa.ac.id/index.php/jurparia/article/view/123